This was a very quick set shot with a single light just before a break. We chose the bathroom wall as it was quite a bold grey and would contrast nicely against my skin and hair. I started off in pink knickers and matching pink trainers and some stupid No More Page 3 T shirt that my silly photographer thought would be a piss take. WTAF? Obviously as a Page 3 Girl I cannot stand all of that feminist beauty hating nonsense. I love Page 3 and I love appearing on it. It was Page 3 that launched my career as a glamour model. I get a real buzz appearing in the paper. You do not need to worry as I soon strip out of the t shirt so you can all admire me topless (it is afterall what Page 3 is for - right?) and then get fully naked against the tiles. Later on we shot the famous shower cam set that is featured on BodyInMind