See how different the light goes just before sunset. As the Earth turns around so the sun is just dipping down below the horizon; the atmosphere diffuses the light and softens it and removes all the glare. It is like an insta filter; but is a 100% natural effect and for most people's eyes it is a very soothing effect on the photographs as all the potentially saturated parts are softened and the shadows are made more subtle. Photographers call this the Golden Hour. I named this set Gold Hour as it has a golden glow and I am 100% solid gold right? You find you lose the light totally quite quickly so I just sat by the pool and whipped off my bikini and we took as many pictures as possible. Hope you guys approve of those tactics. I was getting thirsty and looking forward to my evening cocktail. After all; it's not all work; work; work you know. Lycia xx